Welcoming New Member 2Teck
We’re pleased to be welcoming a new Service Provider Member to the Flexible Space Association, professional mechanical and electrical company 2Teck.
2Teck specialises in the installation and maintenance of electrical, communications, plumbing and heating and air conditioning and ventilation services.
They already work with flexible workspace operators, and have been working within the wider commercial and industrial industry since 2002, enabling improvements to the look, feel and performance of buildings.
FlexSA’s Service Provider Members offer a wealth of goods and services to the flexible workspace sector. From technology to furniture, legal advice to cleaning, and much more!
They are all businesses which understand the needs of flexible workspaces, and are either wholly focused on the sector, or have people dedicated to it. We take up references before companies can join as Service Provider Members, and they sign up to our Code of Conduct.
You can find 2Teck and all the Flexible Space Association’s Service Provider Members listed in our online directory.
3 April 2024
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