New date for 2021 Conference
The Flexible Space Association Conference and Exhibition has been moved from May to the new date of Tuesday 7 September 2021.
The annual event has routinely taken place in May, but there was concern that this year the pandemic could mean it was a restricted event, or even need to be cancelled at short notice.
The Executive Director of the Flexible Space Association, Jane Sartin, said: “By moving the Flexible Space Association Conference from May to September it should significantly increase the likelihood of it being able to take place in the way people are familiar with. It will be an opportunity to catch-up with industry contacts, and assess how flexible workspace has met the challenges of the pandemic.
“Hopefully by September we will also be looking at how the sector is meeting increased demand brought about by new ways of working and changing workspace needs.”
The Flexible Space Association will be doing many other things before we reach September, but the conference is something to look forward to later in the year. Everyone with an interest in the flexible workspace industry is encouraged to make a note in their diary of the new conference date!
12 January 2021
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