FlexSA Virtual Roundtable Meetings

Flexible Space Association Roundtable Meetings are moving online, following a successful trial of the format.  

We usually hold Flexible Space Association Roundtable Meetings around the UK, bringing together our members in different areas to network and discuss all things flexible workspace related.  A whole host of topics are discussed.  Earlier this year, this ranged from experiences of allowing dogs in offices to how to improve WiFi speeds.

Over the last couple of weeks we’ve trialed moving these meetings online.  It’s worked really well, with discussions naturally focussing on Coronavirus-related issues, and people exchanging advice and experience on how they are preparing for the wider return to flexible workspaces.

We want to give more people the opportunity to join a roundtable discussion, so we are starting to arrange them on a regional basis.  Being online means we can hold them more frequently if there is demand to do so.

Over the coming weeks we’ll be getting in touch with those working at our members’ locations around the UK to invite them to attend a virtual meeting, but if you’d like to express an interest in attending we’ll try to ensure your region’s meeting is held at an early date.  If you work in the flexible workspace industry but not for a FlexSA member and would like to attend, get in touch and if we have space at your region’s meeting we’ll make sure you’re included.

To register your interest in attending, email Zoe at zoe.kemp@flexsa.co.uk

24 June 2020

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