FlexSA Reaches Membership Milestone

Earlier this month, we were pleased to announce a milestone had been reached, with the Flexible Sapce Association’s membership having grown to incorporating members running over 1,000 flexible workspace locations across the UK.

This demonstrates the fast-growing demand for flexible workspace solutions as the way people work evolves post-pandemic, with members such as x+why, YoooServ, Cubo Work and Square Works Bristol all joining the trade association this year.

Rupert Dean, Co-Founder and CEO of x+why, commented: “As a member of FlexSA, x+why is thrilled to see the organization surpass the impressive milestone of 1,000 locations. This is a testament to the rapid growth of the flexible workspace market, which is estimated to grow by 600% by 2030. We are proud to be part of this exciting industry and look forward to continuing our partnership with FlexSA to drive innovation and create even more opportunities for businesses to thrive in flexible workspaces.” 

The company joins members running a wide range of types and sizes of workspace across the UK.  These include single-location business centres, such as Capital Business Centre in Edinburgh, growing companies such as Wizu Workspace with 9 locations across Yorkshire and in Glasgow, and the largest workspace operators including Orega, The Office Group and IWG.

Jane Sartin, Executive Director of the Flexible Space Association, added: “We are thrilled to reach this milestone of over 1,000 locations amongst our membership.  This is a testament to the growing recognition of the value of flexible workspace solutions in today’s business environment, and the support the Flexible Space Association offers the sector. FlexSA is committed to promoting the industry through advocacy, research and education. As with all trade associations, the larger our membership , the stronger we are.” 

The news was covered by a number of industry publications, including AllWork, Facilities Management Journal, Coworking Insights and Commercial News Media.

The Flexible Space Association is continuing to grow its membership, and workspace operators are currently invited to join free for 6 months to experience the benefits.

30 May 2023

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