FlexSA in Leeds for Roundtable Meeting
The first Flexible Space Association Roundtable Meeting of 2023 took place in Leeds last week.
We were kindly hosted by Wizu Workspace in the event space of their Park Place building. close to Leeds City Station.

After an update on FlexSA’s activities from Executive Director Jane Sartin, all manner of flexible workspace related matters we discussed. This included the growth of flexible workspace in Leeds, the events being organised for clients, the growing interest in virtual office services and the use of social media within the sector.
After our meeting at Wizu, the group took a short walk for a tour of Orega’s workspace in the very impressive St Paul’s House nearby.
It’s good to be getting people from FlexSA member companies together again regularly for in-person events, and this was the first of a number of roundtable meetings we’re holding in cities around the U.K. this year.
If you work for a FlexSA member company, keep an eye out for details of what’s coming up in our fortnightly members’ newsletter, or on the events page of our website.
27 February 2023
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