Flexible Space Association Board Elections
The process to elect two new members to the Flexible Space Association’s Board has opened to people working for workspace operator member companies.
The Board overseas the running of the Association, and sets its strategic direction.
There are two positions open for election. In order to maintain a balanced Board which reflects the different sizes of our member companies, this year the positions are open to candidates from:
- People working for workspace operators with between 1 and 5 locations
- People working for workspace operators with between 6 and 24 locations
Anyone working for a workspace operator member of the Flexible Space Association within these parameters is eligible to be elected to the Board, whatever position they hold within the company. If two or more nominations are received for either or both positions, an election will be held.
The timetable for the elections to the Board is as follows:
Thursday 27 July: Deadline for nominations to be received
If there are sufficient candidates for an election:
Tuesday 1 August: Online ballot papers issued to each member company, with details of candidates
5pm, Thursday 31 August: Deadline for votes to be cast
There are 9 members of the Board (one vacancy at present). The Board meets 5 times a year, usually in London.
Board Members become Directors of the Flexible Space Association, which is a limited company.
If you qualify to stand and would like more information or an application form, please get in touch with Jane Sartin in the FlexSA office.
6 July 2023
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