DeskLoge Win First FlexSA ESG Award
DeskLodge were the winners of the first Flexible Space Association Award recognising Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives.
It proved a popular new awards category, with some fantastic examples of work in this area, and tough competition.
DeskLodge were recognised for their work, which the judges praised for its all-encompassing nature, involving their whole team.
They embarked on their journey to achieve B Corp certification, and whilst they had always sought to be environmentally minded, a good employer and supportive of their local communities, assessing their activities taught them there was much more they could be doing.
DeskLodge’s ESG work has encompassed a wide range of activities. From monthly mortgage and finance drop-ins to offering offices at a reduced rate for charities. They have installed battery recycling stations, implemented a ‘train to work scheme’ for staff and undertaken a full stock assessment and made changes to eco and recylable items, along with many other initiatives.
Their clients have also embraced related activities, and suggested new ones, including food bank collections and charitable activities.

DeskLodge have ongoing plans for their ESG journey, and pledged to continue to evolve their work in this area.
The other award finalists were The Instant Group, who were awarded a Highly Commended certificate for their Sustainability Index initiative, Coworking Devon, where their activities to support their community included co-walks and co-swims, and Workspace for their InspiresMe project.
Many other excellent ESG initiatives were also entered for this award, demonstrating the significant work put into this area within the flexible workspace sector.
Pictured are members of the DeskLodge team, including MD Jamie Ellis, receiving their award from Freya Cross, Chairman of the Flexible Space Association’s Board, and Jordan Davies of Award Sponsor Verlingue.
4 December 2023
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