Bringing the Flexible Workspace Community Together
The traditional Flexible Space Association Roundtable Meetings were an early casualty of the pandemic, as they had brought people working for FlexSA member companies together in cities around the UK.
In early summer 2020 we decided to have a go at running them online, and over 40 virtual meetings later they have proved so successful they are being maintained as part of a mixed approach.
It’s definitely the case that many types of meetings just aren’t as effective virtually; you can’t easily build relationships, read body language or have an entirely free-flowing discussion. However, for the roundtable meetings, holding them virtually has meant it’s possible for people who wouldn’t be able to take half-a-day or more away from their place of work to attend the meeting somewhere else to participate. Through our approach of running meetings for different geographic locations, it has also allowed people to begin to get to know others working in similar roles in their area of the UK.
The meetings usually commence with an update on what the Flexible Space Association is doing, and often a short presentation from one of our Service Provider members to give information on an industry topic. The key item though is the general discussion, when people from a range of workspace operators take the opportunity to exchange news, ask for advice, and learn from each other on the development of the sector. The discussions can cover anything from what sizes of offices are proving most popular, to whether workspace operators are allowing dogs in offices.
In-person roundtable meetings will be taking place in the months ahead, but the first ones of 2022 have been scheduled as virtual meetings in March. Flexible Space Association members can book a place now at the one that covers where they’re based in the UK.
17 February 2022
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