BE Offices Volunteers Make an Impact

The staff of Flexible Space Association member BE Offices have made an impressive impact through their volunteering during 2023.

Each BE Offices employee receives 3 paid volunteer days each year, and in the first half of the year there was a 520% increase in take-up of these over the same period in 2022.

The company is in their second academic year of volunteering with Chapter One, an online literacy programme which sees adults spend 30 minutes a week during term time tutoring primary school children in literacy.  With 36% of children leaving primary school without reaching the required reading age, this scheme is helping to address this.

BE Offices staff have also taken part in four beach cleaning events this year on the River Thames foreshore, pictured.  PR and Corporate Social Responsibility Manager Julie Tucker has even trained to become a certified river action leader so the company can run their own events for staff and clients in 2024.  Julie has also been working with Camden Climate Alliance, and through them the BE Offices team have participated in tree planting in Camden housing estates, community gardening initiatives and even helped with decorating an old school for use for coworking space and social impact charities.

Some of the activities have been further afield, including a staff member who used his volunteer days to lead a Scout trip to the Lake District.

The impact of volunteering is not only felt by the individuals or initiative that directly benefits, but the BE Offices volunteers find it benefits their own mental health and wellbeing, and once they’ve undertaken one activity are keen to do more.  Julie Tucker commented: “You don’t know how great it will make you feel until you do it, and then you can’t get enough of it!” 

Congratulations to everyone at BE Offices who have made a difference to the lives of others and their communities throughout 2023.

19 December 2023

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